General Meeting (
Program: Container Gardening
Presenter: Amy Reilly - Master Gardener
Hospitality: Sallie Turner, Theresa Bakum, Kateryna Spalma
Ways & Means: 50/50, Plant-A-Tree, Trade-A-Plant

District XI Spring Meeting
HOST: Lauderdale by the Sea Garden Club
Celebrating 70 years of Loyalty, Endurance and Commitment
PROGRAM: Mona Johnston will be speaking on Florida Flowering Trees
COST: $35.00 includes registration, coffee, luncheon and program.
Registration Deadline: April 17, 2025 (No refunds or reservations after April 17th 2025.
For complete information & registration form please click here.

66th Annual Salad Luncheon
This year’s theme: POLLINATORS 🐝🦜🐞
Florida Friendly Plants by Jesse Durko, Owner of Jesse Durko Nursery
Silent Auction
Plant Vendors
Ways & Means: Kim Swistoski & Kris Cocking | Raffle Baskets, 50/50
Hospitality / Chairman: Taryn Palo - Co-Chairman: Dominique Sugarbroad
Cost: $25.00 - Members & Guests (No Walk-ins)
RSVP: Send form and payment to Dominique Sugarbroad.

General Meeting
Program: What’s in your Garden? A Show &Tell of Invasive Plants
Presenter: Inger Jones & Mona Johnston
Hospitality: Elaine Snyder, Kathy Jaffe, Aneka Padilla
Ways & Means: 50/50, Plant-A-Tree, Trade-A-Plant
Reminder: Bring your salad recipes for our Annual Salad Luncheon on March 29, 2025, or email to Kim Swistoski (kimswistoski@gmail.com)

General Meeting
Program: Florida's Native Orchids
Presenter: Rich Akerman of Broward Native Orchids
Hospitality: Georgia Petkov, Debbie Knight, and Geri Petrucelli
Ways & Means: 50/50, Plant-A-Tree, Trade-A-Plant
Reminder: Bring your salad recipes for our Annual Salad Luncheon on March 29, 2025.

FFGC Floral Design Study Series
Payment deadline is December 30, 2024
WHERE: Dixon Ahl Hall, 2220 NE 38th Street, Lighthouse Point, Florida 33064
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE to Garden Club of Lighthouse Point
MAIL TO Garden Club of Lighthouse Point, PO Box 51536, Lighthouse Point, FL 33074
If using Zelle, send to gclhp.treasurer@gmail.com.

January General Meeting
Program: Native Plants
Speaker: Janine Griffiths - Florida Native Plant Society

Holiday Luncheon
The Holiday Luncheon will be held atAnthony's Clam House & Grill on Tuesday, December 10, from Noon - 2:30 pm. Reservations and prepayment are required by December 2.

Fun with Flowers By Emilie Palmieri
We will be making a seasonal design using basic materials suitable for Thanksgiving.
The fee is $20 and the deadline for payment is due by November 8. The public is welcome to attend. There is a limit of 15 spots so register asap. Contact us if you are interested.

Jesse Durko's Nursery Visit
We will visit his gardens , browse the nursery, and enjoy a talk from him. If you have never been there is is an amazing place.
We will be going out for lunch after at My Big Fat Greek Restuarant.

Fall District XI Meeting - Garden Club of Coral Springs
$45.00 - includes plated lunch (Salad, Chicken piccata, broccoli, herb roasted potatoes, cheesecake and coffee or tea)
Please register here.

General Meeting
Hello everyone - Garden Club is getting back into full swing. Our first meeting of the season will be all about edible plants. The theme is Halloween! Costumes are encouraged and there will be a costume contest.

General Meeting
First Meeting of the 2024-2025 Season!
Yes - we are starting a month early, because want to go over the yearbook and some new club ideas and get your feedback. Now will be your chance to hear what's going on for the coming year.
We have some exciting programs and workshops coming up so bring your calendars and your last yearbook.
Please RSVP to Taryn, as lunch will be provided.

“Hats off to 65” 👒 Salad Luncheon 🥗
The GARDEN CLUB OF LIGHTHOUSE POINT invites you join us for our “Hats of to 65” Salad Luncheon.
Program: The Plant Guru, Expert and Connoisseur - Jesse Durko - Owner of Jesse Durko Nursery (Plants for Sale)

General Meeting
PROGRAM: "Self Watering Containers"
Presented by: Amy Reilly - Flamingo Gardens, Master Gardener
Donations: Women's clothing for Women in Distress women's shelter
Reminder: Members bring in completed up-cycled garden decor to sell at annual salad lunch. Please bring any donations for raffle baskets (decor/ gift certificates / wine / beer) to Dominique Sugarbroad.

"Spring Flowers" - Annual Fundraising Luncheon
We will be serving our fabulous homemade soups, salad and dessert. Patchington’s will be providing the fashions and vendors will have plants and jewelry available as well.
We need everyone to lend a hand to ensure that the luncheon runs smoothly. The profits from this luncheon give us the funds to contribute to our various charities and civic projects-the Children's Center, Sample-McDougald House, FFGC scholarships and Camp Wekiva.
Tickets are $30.00.
Please use this Flyer to sign up.

General Meeting - International Lunch Meeting
This is an "International Lunch Meeting". All members will bring an ethnic dish (as previously determined).
PROGRAM: "Vertical Gardening, Living Walls”
Presented by: JP Sapirito
Donations: Garden Books for Broward County Extension Little Library in Davie.

Holiday Luncheon
Please RSVP to - lighthousepointgc@gmail.com - by 11/15/2023
Price per person will be $40.
Goodies table - Bring homemade goods to sell. No store-bought items please.
Suggestions: cookies, cupcakes, jams, jellies, oils, vinegar

Pompano Beach Autumn Festival (Copy)
The Pompano Beach Autumn Festival 2023 is a fun for the entire family. Event highlights include non-stop live music from popular South Florida bands, food and beverages for purchase, a kids zone, community organizations and a small business and craft vendors marketplace. General admission is $10 for adults and FREE for kids under 16. In addition, VIP ticket holders will gain access to a free buffet, open bar and private lounge area.
Click here for additional information.

Pompano Beach Autumn Festival
The Pompano Beach Autumn Festival 2023 is a fun for the entire family. Event highlights include non-stop live music from popular South Florida bands, food and beverages for purchase, a kids zone, community organizations and a small business and craft vendors marketplace. General admission is $10 for adults and FREE for kids under 16. In addition, VIP ticket holders will gain access to a free buffet, open bar and private lounge area.
Click here for additional information.

Trash to Treasure - Making Garden Decor
Taught by: Betsey Keenan, Master Gardener & VP of Garden Club of Lighthouse Point

Make & Take - Living Wreath
These will be living wreaths made with Air Plants and we will show you how to modify them through the year for a constantly updated style.
We provide all supplies and you supply accessories and imagination. Registration is $25 per wreath in advance. We have room for 25 participants. Don't worry if you don't think you are creative - we'll be there to help.
Our very own Kim Swistoski will be leading the class. If you want to make an extra wreath to donate to Garden Club we will be selling them at the Annual Autumn Festival at Pompano Park November 18th and 19th. Still looking for volunteers to help us for the 2 days.
Bring friends, family and anyone you know who is interested.
Prepaid Reservation necessary - please email Taryn Palo tarynlyn@bellsouth.net

Green & White Auction
Green & White Auction
Plants & Treasures New & Used
Moringa Garden Circle of Fort Lauderdale Garden Club
Open to the Public